§ 10-154. License required.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be unlawful for a person to conduct a bingo game unless the person is a member of a licensed organization holding a current and effective license, which license shall not be under suspension or revocation. No licensed organization shall allow the use of its name in any manner or for any reason whatsoever for the conduct of bingo by any other person.


    It shall be unlawful to lease any premises of any type for the conduct of bingo games as a lessor unless the lessee is the holder of a license as required herein.


    A license issued under this article shall be nontransferable from one organization to another. The prohibition shall not be construed to prevent an organization from changing the name set forth in the original application.


    Each organization licensed under this article shall display the license in a conspicuous place on the premises where bingo games are conducted in a transparent cover or frame. The license shall be available for inspection at all times by persons using the premises when bingo games are in progress. No person shall mutilate, cover, obstruct or remove a license so displayed.


    All licenses issued under this article shall be renewed annually provided all the requirements of this article have been complied with by the licensed organization during the previous year.


    No license shall be issued to an organization if the representative or any of the principal officers thereof or any of the members of said organization who shall be responsible for the running of any bingo game has within five (5) years of the date of application, been convicted of any misdemeanor involving a theft or illegal gambling or of any felony under the laws of this state, any other state, or the United States.


    No license shall be issued to an organization whose license under this article has previously been revoked unless the Marion County Code Enforcement Board have, after public hearing, specifically authorized the issuance of the license after it is satisfied that the reason or reasons for revocation have been corrected and steps taken to insure that such problem or problems will not arise in the future.

(Ord. No. 99-35, § 4, 11-9-99)