§ 10-113. Exemptions from certificate requirement.  

Latest version.
  • Certificates shall not be required for:


    A vehicle(s) rendering services as an ambulance in the event of a major catastrophe or emergency when authorized ambulances based in the locality of the catastrophe or emergency are incapacitated or insufficient in number to render the services needed.


    Any ambulance based outside of Marion County that is transporting a patient from a location outside of Marion County to a location within Marion County. However, any ambulance receiving a patient within Marion County for transport to any location, either within or outside of Marion County, shall comply with the provisions of this article.


    Any ambulance owned and operated by the federal government.


    Any organization or person that provides wheelchair transport services if:


    The service is a public bus system.


    The service is a public or private school bus system whose major business is that of transporting school children to and from school or school-related activities.


    Any air ambulance licensed by any jurisdiction in the state other than Marion County.


    Any vehicle owned or operated by any law enforcement agency not routinely dispatched to medical emergencies for the purposes of treating and transporting patients.

    (Ord. No. 14-04, § 3, 3-4-14)
