§ 10-124. Revocation, alteration or suspension—Grounds.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Every certificate and permit issued under this article shall be subject to revocation, alteration, and/or suspension of operation, by the board, where any of the following occurs:


    The certificate or permit holder(s) has failed to render the services authorized by the certificate or permit, or, rendered services not authorized by their respective certificate or permit.


    The certificate or permit holder(s) has been convicted of a felony or any criminal offense involving moral turpitude or the use of alcohol or controlled substances.


    The certificate or permit was obtained by an application in which any material fact was omitted or falsely stated.


    The certificate holder(s) has knowingly allowed any of its permitted emergency vehicles to be operated in violation of F.S. § 401.281(d), resulting in the conviction of the driver or certificate holder(s) of a misdemeanor in the second degree or greater, or has knowingly permitted any driver with more than two (2) second or one first degree misdemeanor convictions or revocations within three (3) years, to operate permitted emergency vehicles.


    The certificate or permit holder(s) has failed to comply with any of the provisions of this article.


    The public interest will best be served by revocation, alteration, or suspension of any certificate or permit upon just cause shown.


    The certificate or permit holder(s), representative or employee has demanded money or compensation other than that established, permitted or prescribed under this article.


    The certificate or permit holder(s), representative or employee has, without sufficient justification, failed or refused to furnish emergency out-of-hospital care and/or transportation promptly as requested by the emergency communications center as provided for in this article.


    The certificate or permit holder(s), representative, employee has been found guilty of malpractice or willful and wanton misconduct in the operation of its service.

    The certificate or permit holder(s), representative or employee has been found guilty of fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer; making a false report in violation of F.S. § 316.067; willfully failing or refusing to comply with any lawful order or direction of any law enforcement officer or member of the fire department; or obstructing an officer.

(Ord. No. 14-04, § 14, 3-4-14)