§ 12-1111. MSBU established.  

Latest version.
  • There is hereby established pursuant to the authority of F.S. § 125.01(1)(q), the Grey Oaks Municipal Service Benefit Unit for Road Maintenance, (hereafter referred to as the Grey Oaks MSBU for Road Maintenance) as follows:


    The area included within the boundaries of the Grey Oaks MSBU for Road Maintenance shall consist of all properties in:

    Tracts 1 through 10 of Grey Oaks, an unrecorded subdivision, being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at P.R.M. No. 3, being the NW corner of Tract #1, Golden Ocala, Unit No. 1, as recorded in Plat Book "W", pages 75-80, Public Records of Marion County, Florida. Thence S00°16'54"W, along the west boundary of said Plat, 2582.83 feet; Thence continue along said West boundary S00°29'01" W, 1365.69 feet; Thence departing said West line along the South boundary of the NW ¼ of Section 1, Township 15 South, Range 20 East, N88°54'56"W, 1321.97 feet to the SW corner of the NW ¼ of Section 1, Township 15 South, Range 20 East: Thence N89°51'16"W, along the South boundary of said NE ¼ of the NE ¼, 664.79 feet to the SW corner of the East ½ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 2, of Township 15 South, Range 20 East; Thence departing said South boundary, N00°26'19"E, along said West boundary of the East ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 35, of Township 14 South, Range 20 East, 1332.75 feet ; Thence departing said South boundary, N00°27'57"E, along West boundary of the East ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 2, Township 15 South, Range 20 East, 1336.31 feet to the NW corner of the East ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 2, Township 15 South, Range 20 East; Thence N00°26'19"E, along the West boundary of the East ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 35, Township 14 South, Range 20 East, 661.63 feet to the NE corner of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 35, Township 14 south, Range 20 East; Thence S89°38'17"E, 189.91 feet; Thence N00°19'22"E, 1256.80 feet to the South Right-of-way 389.73 feet; Thence departing said South right-of-way S00°56'23"W, 307.77 feet to a point on a 210.00 foot radius curve, concave southerly having a chord bearing and distance of S86°21'54"E, 21.95 feet; Thence easterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 05°59'29", a distance of 21.95 feet; Thence S83°02'29"E 132.17 feet; Thence N06°54'49"E, 326.89 feet to the aforesaid South right-of-way; Thence S89°48'25"E, along said right-of-way 553.92 feet to the point of beginning; said lands being situate in Marion County, Florida containing 153.50 acres more or less.


    The governing body of the Grey Oaks MSBU for Road Maintenance shall be the Board of County Commissioners of Marion County, Florida, as provided for in F.S. § 125.01(2).

(Ord. No. 14-14, § 1, 5-20-2014)