§ 12-1131. Powers of governing body.  

Latest version.
  • The Board of County Commissioners of Marion County, Florida, as governing body of the NW 49th/35th Street MSBU for DRA Maintenance is empowered:


    To sue and be sued in the name of the unit;


    To adopt and use a seal and authorize use of a facsimile thereof;


    To acquire in the name of the NW 49th/35th Street MSBU for DRA Maintenance, by purchase, gift, or the exercise of right of eminent domain, such lands and rights and interest therein, including lands under water and riparian rights and to acquire such personal property as it may deem necessary in connection with the furnishing of services authorized by the article and to hold and dispose of all real and personal property under its control; provided, however, nothing beyond the limits of said benefit unit therein contained shall authorize the power of eminent domain to be exercised;


    To make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of its powers;


    To employ and fix the compensation of employees of said unit;


    To authorize payment of per diem, travel, and other reasonable expenses for meetings, hearings, and other official business, as authorized by F.S. § 112.061;


    To contract for the services of engineers, attorneys, accountants, financial, or other consultants and such other agents as the board of county commissioners may require or deem necessary to accomplish purposes of the unit;


    To borrow money and accept gifts; to convey real or personal property; to apply for and use grants or loans of money or other property from the United States, the State of Florida, a local unit of government, or any other person for any authorized purposes of the NW 49th/35th Street MSBU for DRA Maintenance and to enter into agreements required in connection therewith; and hold, use and dispose of such monies or property for any purposes in accordance with the terms of the gift or grant, loan, or agreement relating thereto, subject to state law applicable to non-charter county government;


    To acquire, construct, operate, maintain, equip, improve, extend, enlarge, or improve capital projects within or without the NW 49th/35th Street MSBU for DRA Maintenance to perform the specialized public functions or services herein provided;


    To maintain an office at such place or places as it may designate within or without said benefit unit;


    To adopt bylaws, rules, and regulations, resolutions, and orders for its own government proceedings;


    To make use of any public easements, dedications to public use, or plat reservations for specific public use, or plat reservations for specific public purposes within the boundaries of the NW 49th/35th Street MSBU for DRA Maintenance for those purposes authorized herein.


    In accordance with the procedures provided by state laws, to lease as lessor or lessee to or from any person, firm, corporation, association, or body public or private, facilities or properties of any nature, for the use of the unit to carry out any of the purposes of this article as now in effect or hereafter amended;


    To issue general obligation bonds, certificates, warrants, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness as hereinafter provided; to levy such tax as may be authorized, and to establish a budget;


    To issue general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, special assessment bonds or combinations thereof to finance the cost of capital improvement projects authorized by this article as now in effect or hereafter amended; the procedure for issuing such revenue or assessment bonds or the levying of special assessments shall be in the manner as provided by law;


    To levy and assess per lot, tract, acre, or front foot special assessments authorized by law to pay the cost of such specialized public functions or services as are provided for in the article as now or hereafter amended;


    To contract with municipalities, cities, towns, counties, or other political subdivisions, public corporations, or persons; to provide or receive such specialized public functions or services;


    To provide for by resolution an advisory council and appoint its members. The composition of such council and the term of office for its members shall be set forth in the resolution providing for said advisory council.

(Ord. No. 16-01, § 3, 1-12-2016)