§ 16-43. Specific conditions for commercial collection service.  

Latest version.
  • A franchise holder shall comply with the following specific requirements when providing commercial collection service:


    Commercial collection service shall be provided at least once each week for each customer, unless the director approves a less frequent schedule for collection.


    If a franchise holder collects or transports residential waste in a collection container or vehicle containing commercial waste, all of the contents of the container or vehicle shall be handled as commercial waste. If the franchise holder delivers the mixed waste to the baseline landfill, the franchise holder shall pay the disposal fee for commercial waste, based on the weight of the entire load.


    The county reserves the right to increase or decrease the frequency of commercial collection service and the size of the collection container that is used by any customer. The size of the collection container and the frequency of commercial collection service provided to a customer shall be sufficient to ensure that the collection container is not overfilled and solid waste is not placed outside the collection container between the scheduled times for collection. If the franchise holder and the customer cannot agree about the size of the collection container or the frequency of commercial collection service, the franchise holder or the customer may notify the director about their dispute. In such cases, the director shall determine whether it is necessary to change the frequency of service or the size of the collection container. The director also may make such determinations in cases where the director concludes that the commercial collection service is inadequate to prevent the creation of nuisance conditions. After the director makes his determination, the franchise holder shall provide its commercial collection service in compliance with the director's decision and the customer shall pay the necessary fees for the commercial collection service, whether the level of service is increased or decreased. The county's code enforcement officers also may enforce the provisions of this paragraph.

(Ord. No. 07-35, § 1 (§ 16-35), 12-12-2007)