§ 16-74. Solid waste assessment exclusions.  

Latest version.
  • Exclusions and partial exclusions from the solid waste assessment may be granted by the board in the case of individual hardships. In addition, the board may grant an exclusion from the solid waste assessment where multiple residential properties are represented by a single common developer, homeowners association, or similar person that requests a group exemption from the solid waste assessment to address a hardship affecting the group. The specific conditions for board approval of the exemption request for multiple residential properties represented by a single common owner are as follows:


    Documentation by submission of an executed contract between the person requesting the exemption and a franchise holder for the time period in question. The contract shall require all residential waste from the residential properties included in the exemption to be delivered to the county's baseline landfill. The terms of the contract shall identify the rate charged per residential property for collection and disposal, and the number of residential properties included, including county parcel identification numbers.


    The cost of disposal at the county's baseline landfill shall be paid by the contracted franchise holder.


    The cost of disposal shall be paid to the county on a monthly basis and each monthly payment shall be equal to the total number of residential properties exempted, multiplied by the current solid waste assessment, and divided by twelve (12).


    The franchise holder performing the work shall include these disposal fees when calculating the amount of the performance bond required pursuant to section 16-34 of this chapter.


    It shall be the sole responsibility of the person requesting the exemption to collect the appropriate fee from each residential property included in the exemption in a timely manner to make the monthly payments to the county. Failure to collect the fee from each residential property included in the exemption shall not relieve the person responsible for payment of the fees to the county.

(Ord. No. 07-35, § 1 (§ 16-52), 12-12-2007)