§ 17.5-23. Technical and operational standards.  

Latest version.
  • All cable systems shall be constructed safely and with durable and reliable materials, and shall be constructed and operated in accordance with industry standards for such construction and operation. Signal reception standards and subscriber reviewing standards shall be maintained at all times by cable operators at least equal to the minimum standards prescribed by the FCC. Overall technical performance of the cable system shall be assessed in relation to those standards.


    FCC standards. All cable systems shall meet all FCC "guideline" standards for reception of broadcast signals, as prescribed in 47 CFR 76.601-76.613 (1986) as amended. The signal reception standards as now existing or hereafter issued or promulgated by the FCC are incorporated in this section by reference and made a part of this chapter. The grading of the quality of each locally receivable signal against the performance of the cable systems in delivering that signal to subscribers shall be measured by tests sanctioned by the FCC.


    Proof-of-performance testing. At their expense and in accordance with this section, all cable operators shall conduct semi annual tests as required by FCC of their cable system to ensure that the system meets all technical guideline standards prescribed by the FCC. A cable operator shall be responsible for ensuring full compliance with such standards.


    Maps. Two (2) copies of an accurate map and drawings of the cable operator's facilities shall be furnished to the county with all revisions thereto, all at the expense of the cable operator, on an annual basis.


    Interruption of service. Whenever it is necessary to shut off or interrupt service for the making of repairs, installations or adjustments, the cable operator shall do so at such times as will cause the least amount of inconvenience to its customers; and, unless such interruption is unforeseen and immediately necessary, it will give reasonable notice thereof to its customers. Upon request the cable operator shall prorate each subscriber's monthly charge in accordance with the requirements of subsection 17.5-24(5), (6) below.


    Interference with reception. The cable operator shall so operate its system that there will be no interference with television or radio reception through individually owned receiving antennas. The cable operator will investigate any claim of interference to the television reception of nonsubscribers which might be attributable to the system and make correction immediately.

(Ord. No. 01-15, 8-7-2001)