No person, without prior written consent of the county, shall tap any pipe or main
belonging to the county without authorization. Connections to the county's water and
wastewater system for any purpose whatsoever are to be made only as authorized by
the county. In case of any unauthorized connection, extension, remetering, sale or
disposition of the county water and/or wastewater service, the user's water and/or
wastewater service shall be subject to discontinuances until such unauthorized use
or disposition is disconnected and full payment is made for such service, calculated
on proper classification and rate schedules, and reimbursement in full made for any
extra expenses incurred as the result of such unauthorized use, including administrative
costs, testing, inspections and court costs. In addition, unauthorized use may result
in appropriate criminal prosecution.
(Ord. No. 96-35, § 9, 11-5-96)
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