§ 19-187. Water and wastewater capital charges; adoption; calculating application; and time of payment:  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Adoption. The county hereby adopts and establishes pursuant to general law a water capital charge and a wastewater capital charge, the purpose of which will be to finance capital expenditures and the payment of county indebtedness associated with the expansion (through construction, acquisition, or otherwise) of the county's water supply, treatment and transmission system and the wastewater transmission, treatment, and effluent disposal system. Unless otherwise designated below, the water and wastewater capital charge imposed by the county shall be:


    Transmission Treatment Total Transmission Treatment Total Water &
    17-April-18 $702.00 $957.00 $1,659.00 $660.00 $3,184.00 $3,844.00 $5,503.00


    For calculating water and wastewater capital charges, the county has chosen to utilize the LOS standards of 400 gallons per day (gpd) per water ERC and 200 gallons per day gpd) per wastewater ERC, expressed on a maximum day flow for water and an average daily flow for wastewater. A single family residence has an ERC value of 1.0, each multi-family unit has an ERC value of 0.80 per unit. ERC values for all other non-residential customers are calculated based upon the estimated flow rates by establishment as identified in section 6.14.4 of the Marion County LDC, table 6.14-1. The assumed gallons for all fixture units for a new connection are summed and then divided by the defined amount of use per ERC identified.

    The county likewise adopts a bulk wholesale water capital charge consisting of (a) a water treatment facilities component charge not less than those plant capacity or other capital charges charged to the county by the wholesale or temporary provider, and (b) a water transmission facilities component charge. The county also adopts a bulk wholesale wastewater capital charge consisting of (a) a wastewater treatment facilities component charge not less than those plant capacity or other capital charges charged to the county by the wholesale or temporary provider, and (b) a wastewater transmission facilities component charge.


    Applicability. The water capital charge shall be paid by those new customers that connect to Marion County's Water System and the wastewater capital charge shall be paid by those new customers that connect to Marion County's Wastewater System, except as hereinafter provided. Consistent with and subject to existing contracts (including specifically Contract No. 97-3), all those customers who connect to the system in areas where the county provides retail service via the purchase of water and/or wastewater service capacity on a "bulk" wholesale or temporary basis (including but not limited to that area to be served pursuant to Contract No. 97-1) shall be required to pay bulk wholesale water and wastewater capital charges consisting of (a) water and/or wastewater treatment facilities component charges not less than those plant capacity or other capital charges charged to the county by the wholesale provider and (b) water transmission facilities and/or wastewater transmission facilities component charges as set forth in subsection (a) above. The county may exempt any customer from the payment of all or a portion of the water and wastewater capital charges to the extent that the county accepts a permanent contribution in aid of construction related to the water supply, treatment or transmission facilities or the wastewater transmission, treatment, or effluent disposal facilities having a value of not less than the portion of the water or wastewater capital charges being exempted.


    Time of payment. All water and wastewater capital charges (including bulk wholesale capital charges) shall be paid prior to connection of a structure or structures to be served by the county, or such other time as may be specifically provided by county resolution, ordinance, agreement, or permit; provided however, that the county may permit installment payments of any water or wastewater capital charges (or bulk wholesale capital charges) upon such terms and conditions as the county deems appropriate.


    Determination of equivalent residential unit factors for water and wastewater services.


    For purposes of calculating and imposing the water capital charge and wastewater capital charge (including the bulk wholesale capital charges) provided for in this subsection, the ERC factor for any particular connection shall be calculated and imposed in the manner provided in the following Fixture Unit Calculation Tables F-1 and F-2:

    The water capital charge shall be determined by using the following formula:

    TABLE F—1


    1. Indicate number of fixtures proposed, by type.

    2. Multiply by fixture unit values

    3. Add values to obtain total number of fixture units.

    Fixture Type Number
    Units Fixture
    Bathroom Group (water closet, lav., bathtub or shower (stall)
    _______ × 6       = _______
    Private Installation _______ × 6       = _______
    Public Installation _______ × 8       = _______
    Bathtub (w/o overhead shower) 1 ½' min. trap size
    _______ × 2       = _______
    2" min. trap size _______ × 3       = _______
    _______ × 3       = _______
    Combination sink and tray
    _______ × 3       = _______
    Combination sink and tray with food disposal unit
    _______ × 4       = _______
    Dental unit or cuspidor
    _______ × 1       = _______
    Dental lavatory
    _______ × 1       = _______
    Drinking fountain
    _______ × 0.5       = _______
    Dishwashing machine domestic
    _______ × 2       = _______
    Floor drainage (*See Note #1)
    _______ × *       = _______
    Kitchen Sink domestic
    _______ × 2       = _______
    Kitchen sink, w/food waste grinder
    _______ × 3       = _______
    Lavatory (small P.O.) 1 ¼" min. trap
    _______ × 1       = _______
    Lavatory (larger P.O.) 1 ½" min. trap
    _______ × 2       = _______
    Lavatory, barber's beauty parlor
    _______ × 2       = _______
    Lavatory, Surgeon's
    _______ × 2       = _______
    Laundry tray (1 or 2 compartments)
    _______ × 2       = _______
    Shower stall, domestic
    _______ × 2       = _______
    Showers, (group) per head
    _______ × 3       = _______
    Surgeon's sinks
    _______ × 3       = _______
    Flushing rim sink (with valve)
    _______ × 8       = _______
    Service (trap standard) sink
    _______ × 3       = _______
    Service sink (P. Trap)
    _______ × 2       = _______
    Pot, scullery, mop, sink, etc.
    _______ × 4       = _______
    Urinal, pedestal, siphon jet, blowout
    _______ × 8       = _______
    Urinal, wall lip
    _______ × 4       = _______
    Urinal, stall, washout
    _______ × 4       = _______
    Urinal trough (each 2 ft. section)
    _______ × 2       = _______
    Washing machine (residential)
    _______ × 3       = _______
    Washing machine (commercial) (*See Note #1)
    _______ × *       = _______
    Wash sink (circular or multiple) each set of faucets
    _______ × 2       = _______
    Water closet, private installation
    _______ × 4       = _______
    Water closet, public installation
    _______ × 6       = _______
    Total Number of Fixture Units =


    Fixture Drain or
    Trap Size
    Fixture Unit Value
    1¼" 1
    1½" 2
    2" 3
    2½" 4
    3" 5
    4" 6


    Notes: For more complete information, refer to the Standard Plumbing Code.

    TABLE F—2 (Rev. 10/01/06)

    One equivalent residential unit (ERC) shall, have an assigned value of 1.00.

    One ERC is hereby established and determined to be equal to a flow of three hundred fifty (350) gallons per day (GPD) for water and three hundred (300) gallons per day (GPD) for wastewater service.

    A single-family residence shall have an ERC value of 1.00.

    A multi-family residence or RV unit shall have an ERC value of 0.80.

    The "total equivalent residential unit value" for an establishment shall be calculated in accordance with the formula below.


    Total ERC Value Water = Number of Fixture Units (from Table F-1) × 35
    Total ERC Value (Wastewater) = Number of Fixture Units (from Table F-1) × 30


    Capital Connection Charge (Water) = Total ERC Value × See value in Table I above in subsection (a) (total water capital charge column)

    Capital Connection Charge (Wastewater) = Total ERC Value × See value in Table I above in subsection (a) (total wastewater capital charge column)


    Capital improvement funds; establishment: expenditure guidelines; application and pledge to revenue bonds.


    The water capital charges collected pursuant to this division shall be deposited into a fund called the "Marion County, Florida Water System Capital Improvement Fund" and the wastewater capital charges shall likewise be deposited into a fund called the Marion County Wastewater System Capital Improvement Fund. The water capital charges so deposited shall be used only for the acquisition of the county's water system and all components thereof and additions thereto, and the construction and acquisition of additions and extensions to the county's water system and all components thereof including raw water supply facilities, transmission facilities, mains, ground storage facilities, new pumping facilities, water treatment plants, and distribution facilities in order to provide additional water treatment capacity or water service capacity to those new customers who connect the county's water system. The wastewater capital charges so deposited in the above-mentioned fund shall be used only for the acquisition of the county's wastewater system and all components thereof and additions thereto, and the construction and acquisition of additions and extensions to the county's wastewater system and all components thereof, including collection facilities, transmission facilities, treatment facilities, and effluent disposal facilities, in order to provide additional sewage treatment capacity, effluent disposal capacity, or wastewater service capacity to those new customers who connect to the county's wastewater system.


    The county may by resolution provide for the application of some or all of the water and/or wastewater capital charges to the payment or security for the payment of revenue bonds issued in whole or in part for the purpose set out in subsection (a) hereof, provided that the amount of water and/or wastewater capital charges applied to the payment of such bonds shall not exceed the amount of bond proceeds actually expended for such purpose with interest at the average rate borne by said bonds. Such application or pledge may be made directly in the proceedings authorizing such bonds or in an agreement with an insurer of bonds to assure such insurer of additional security therefore.


    Application; allocation of water and/or wastewater service capacity. No water and/or wastewater service capacity shall be sold pursuant to the water and/or wastewater permit, nor shall any such permit be issued until application therefore is received by the county. The county may require all information on said application that it deems reasonable and necessary, and may reject applications it determines are incomplete. Any application for a water and/or a wastewater permit shall contain a legal description of the land constituting the service area for which the said permit is to be issued. The legal description shall include only those lands owned by the applicant for which the water and/or wastewater permit is to serve. If any such person described hereinabove fails to apply for and purchase water and/or wastewater service capacity under these rules, the county may consider said failure in determining whether or not to grant or deny any development or construction permit or approval or rezoning application filed by said person. The county shall by separate ordinance establish rules for the allocation of water and/or wastewater service capacity, and may by resolution establish a fee for application review payable by applicants.

(Ord. No. 04-4, § 14, 3-2-2004; Ord. No. 06-15, § 1, 6-20-06; Ord. No. 08-27, § 1, 8-28-2008; Ord. No. 18-12, § 1, 5-15-2018)