§ 19-247. Fertilizer content and application rates.  

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  • (a)

    Fertilizers applied to turf and/or landscape plants within the county shall be applied in accordance with directions provided by Rule 5E-1.003(2), Florida Administrative Code, Labeling Requirements for Urban Turf Fertilizers.


    Fertilizers should be applied to turf and/or landscape plants at the lowest rate necessary. Nitrogen shall not be applied at an application rate greater than 0.7 pounds of readily available nitrogen per one thousand (1,000) square feet at any one time based on the soluble fraction of formulated fertilizer, with no more than one pound total nitrogen per one thousand (1,000) square feet applied at any one time, and not to exceed the nitrogen recommendations set forth below on an annual basis:

    Grass species Maximum N application rate (Lbs/1,000 ft /Year)
    Bahiagrass: 3
    Bermudagrass: 4
    Centipedegrass: 2
    St. Augustinegrass: 3
    Zoysiagrass: 4



    For new turf or landscape plants that are being installed or established, a one-time use of starter fertilizer as described in Rule 5E-1.003 shall be allowed at an application rate not to exceed 1.0 pounds of phosphorus (P 2 O 5 ) per one thousand (1,000) square feet.


    No phosphorus fertilizer shall be applied to existing turf and/or landscape plants within the county at application rates which exceed 0.25 pounds phosphorus per one thousand (1,000) square feet per application nor exceed 0.50 pounds phosphorus per one thousand (1,000) square feet per year.


    Nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizer may not be applied to turf or landscape plants except as provided above unless a soil or tissue deficiency has been verified by an approved test by UF/IFAS Extension Soil Testing Laboratory or other accredited laboratory.

(Ord. No. 08-35, § 7, 11-4-2008)