§ 3-5. Sale on county property.  

Latest version.
  • The sale of alcoholic beverages, as defined herein, shall be prohibited on any county-owned property or any property leased by the county, except for the southeastern livestock facility, being more accurately described in Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 85-11. The sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited at the southeastern livestock facility, subject to the following exception: Any person or group leasing the southeastern facilities may apply to the agency designated by the county to manage the southeastern facilities for an exception to the above rule. This application must be made at a board meeting preceding the proposed event. The proposal must specify a security plan, a plan for the enforcement of local and state alcoholic beverage laws, proof of compliance with alcoholic beverage licensing requirements, the purpose of the event, the use of the profits from the sale of alcoholic beverages, and must include proof of liability insurance protecting the county and the management agency from liability in an amount to be specified by the agency.

(Ord. No. 77-7, § 2, 4-26-77; Ord. No. 85-11, § 1, 8-6-85)