§ 4-1. Purpose and intent.
§ 4-2. Definitions.
§ 4-3. Adoption of state statutes by reference; board intent.
§ 4-4. Enforcement agency designation and empowerment.
§ 4-5. Enforcement officer's immunity.
§ 4-6. Enforcement procedures.
§ 4-7. Impounding authority of officers; interference prohibited.
§ 4-8. Licensure, exemptions, requirements.
§ 4-9. Rabies vaccination required.
§ 4-10. County to maintain list of persons presently enjoined from possessing animals.
§ 4-11. Control of animals.
§ 4-12. Domestic animals creating a nuisance.
§ 4-13. Humane treatment for animals.
§ 4-14. Animals in motor vehicles or vessels.
§ 4-15. Establishing an animal abuser registry.
§ 4-16. Impoundment, redemption and adoption.
§ 4-17. Location of sale of dogs and cats.
§ 4-18. Community cat initiative.
§ 4-19. Spay/neuter program.
§ 4-20. Damage by dogs; classification of dangerous dogs.
§ 4-21. Attack or bite by unclassified dog that causes death; confiscation; destruction. [F.S. § 767.135]
§ 4-22. Attack or bite by unclassified dog that causes severe injury or death; penalties; discretion to order destruction. [F.S. §§ 767.12, 767.136]
§ 4-23. Attack or bite by dangerous dog; penalties, confiscation, destruction. [F.S. § 767.13]
§ 4-24. Department of animal services to maintain list of dogs classified as dangerous.
§ 4-25. Property owner's liability; probable cause; civil infractions and citations.
§ 4-26. Chapter to be liberally construed.