§ 7.1.1. General conditions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The regulations of this section control the requirements under which subdivision improvements and work in public and/or private right-of-way and other specified areas are to be permitted and constructed.


    Any work proposed to be constructed in the right-of-way shall be reviewed and approved by the Office of the County Engineer through the applicable process established in Article 2 of this Code.


    Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) plans shall be provided for review and approval prior to work commencing in the right-of-way. MOT shall adhere to the FDOT Design Standards and/or Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), as applicable.


    The requirements herein are intended to be complete only to the extent of protection of the public interest. It should be noted that private road subdivision construction must also meet the minimum standards contained in the Code in order to provide reasonable assurance to the public that the improvements are not sub-standard and do not create an undue burden of maintenance expense on the private road subdivision residents.


    The requirements included herein are considered only as the minimum standards. All proposed construction must be designed with full consideration given to the performance, functionality, structural suitability and durability, and regulatory compliance of the particular installation.


    Construction details are provided in this article and illustrate construction requirements of this Code.


    The construction details provided herein are generally applicable to all construction, however the County Engineer may approve or require minor variations or adjustments to fit particular circumstances. Additionally, the project engineer may submit revisions to said detail(s) provided the detail is clearly shown within a 'cloud.'


    The use of the term "or equal" shall also be interpreted to include the term "approved equivalent."


    Unless otherwise specified, construction work shall conform to the technical provisions of the most recent version of Sections 100 to 900 of the FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as well as the most recent version of the FDOT Design Standards.

(Ord. No. 13-20, § 2, 7-11-2013)