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    Published 1992

    Republished 2013







    Michelle Stone—Chairman
    David Moore—Vice Chairman
    Kathy Bryant
    Jeff Gold
    Carl Zalak, III
    Board of County Commissioners


    Mr. Mounir Bouyounes, P.E.
    County Administrator


    Angel Roussel-Venegas—Public Works
    Jeannie Rickman—Public Services
    Assistant County Administrators


    David R. Ellspermann
    Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller


    Villie M. Smith, CFA, ASA
    Property Appraiser


    George J. Albright, III
    Tax Collector

    Wesley Wilcox
    Supervisor of Elections


    William "Billy" Woods


    James Banta
    Fire Chief


    Michael Savage
    Building Safety Director


    Samuel Martsolf
    Growth Services Director


    Matthew G. Minter
    County Attorney


    This volume is a republication of the Land Development Code of Marion County, Florida, originally adopted in 1992, amended by Ordinance No. 13-20, and republished in 2013. This Land Development Code was adopted July 11, 2013, with an effective date of October 12, 2013.

    The Code has been printed as adopted, retaining the original numbering system. Obvious typographical errors have been corrected without notation, and words or phrases added by the editor for purposes of clarification are enclosed in brackets.

    Amendatory Legislation

    The Code Comparative Table is a feature of this republication that is particularly useful. Any amendatory legislation may be located therein by number and date of enactment, and the sections or subsections amended will be listed. In addition, the sources of any amendments to the Code are listed in a parenthetical history note following the amended section. By use of the comparative table appearing in the back of this republication, the reader can locate any section of the Code, as updated.

    The Code has been arranged into articles and sections. The various sections within each article have been catchlined to facilitate usage. Notes which tie related sections of the Code together and which refer to relevant state law have been included.

    Page Numbering System

    The page numbering system used in this volume is a prefix system. The letters to the left of the colon are an abbreviation which represents a certain portion of the volume, and the number to the left of the column represents the article. The number to the right of the colon represents the number of the page in that portion.

    INDEX i:1



    The index has been prepared with the greatest of care. Each particular item has been placed under several headings, some of which are couched in lay phraseology, others in legal terminology, and still others in language generally used by local government officials and employees. There are numerous cross references within the index itself which stand as guideposts to direct the user to the particular item in which the user is interested.

    Looseleaf Supplements

    A special feature of this volume is the looseleaf system of binding and supplemental servicing of the publication. With this system, the publication will be kept up to date. Subsequent amendatory legislation will be properly edited, and the affected page or pages will be reprinted. These new pages will be distributed to holders of copies of the publication, with instructions for the manner of inserting the new pages and deleting the obsolete pages.

    Keeping this publication up to date at all times will depend largely upon the holder of the publication. As revised pages are received, it will then become the responsibility of the holder to have the amendments inserted according to the attached instructions. It is strongly recommended by the publisher that all such amendments be inserted immediately upon receipt to avoid misplacing them and, in addition, that all deleted pages be saved and filed for historical reference purposes.


    This publication was under the direct supervision of Dennis Sinnett, Supplement Department Vice President, Katrina Hansen, Supplement Editor, and Becky Moore, Proofreader, of the Municipal Code Corporation, Tallahassee, Florida. Credit is gratefully given to the other members of the publisher's staff for their sincere interest and able assistance throughout the project.

    The publisher is most grateful to Mr. Sam Martsolf, Planning/Zoning Manager, for his cooperation and assistance during the progress of the work on this republication. It is hoped that his efforts and those of the publisher have resulted in a republication of this Land Development Code which will make the active law of the county readily accessible to all citizens and which will be a valuable tool in the day-to-day administration of the county's affairs.