§ 19-192. Abnormal strength waste surcharge factor.  

Latest version.
  • For those customers which the county has agreed to serve and either the customer or the utility has determined that the strength of the sewage is greater than three hundred fifty (350) parts per million (ppm) biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), eight hundred (800) ppm chemical oxygen demand (COD), three hundred fifty (350) ppm total suspended solids (TSS) or fifty (50) ppm total nitrogen (TN), then an abnormal strength surcharge will be applied to the quarterly bill. Biochemical oxygen demand or BOD means the quantity of oxygen in the biochemical oxidation of the organic matter in the wastewater under standard laboratory procedures in five (5) days at twenty degrees centigrade (20 ° C), as expressed in milligrams per liter. Chemical oxygen demand or COD means the quantity of oxygen in the chemical oxidation of the organic matter in the wastewater. Total suspended solids or TSS means the quantity of filterable solids in the wastewater. Total nitrogen means the total of organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Organic nitrogen is to be determined by the Kjeldahl method. The concentration of BOD, COD, TSS and TN shall be determined in accordance with procedures set forth in the Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18 th Edition. The surcharge factor is calculated in the following manner:

    Concentration of BOD less three hundred fifty (350) ppm divided by three hundred fifty (350) ppm. Concentration of COD less eight hundred (800) ppm. The BOD and COD ratios will then be averaged to determine one BOD/COD ratio. Concentrations of TSS less three hundred fifty (350) ppm divided by three hundred fifty (350) ppm. Concentration of TN less fifty (50) ppm divided by fifty (50) ppm. The surcharge factor will be the average of the BOD/COD, TSS and TN ratios. The total bill will be calculated by multiplying the surcharge factor by the metered wastewater usage time the rate per one thousand (1,000) gallons plus the base facility charge (BFC).

(Ord. No. 04-4, § 19, 3-2-2004)