§ 16-36. Franchise holder's vehicles.  

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  • (a)

    At all times the franchise holder and its employees shall operate and maintain all collection vehicles and equipment in compliance with all applicable laws.


    A franchise holder's collection vehicles shall be equipped at all times with: (1) all safety equipment required by applicable laws; (2) a fire extinguisher; and (3) a shovel and broom.


    All collection vehicles owned or operated by a franchise holder shall at all times bear a current county decal and an identification number on both sides of the vehicle body. The decal shall contain the current franchise number for the franchise holder. Each vehicle, except those collecting roll-off containers, shall also have an identification number on the rear of the vehicle. The identification numbers shall be readily visible and at least three (3) inches in height.


    A franchise holder shall use modern packer-type trucks for the collection of residential waste.


    All collection vehicles shall have waterproof seals and shall be watertight to a depth sufficient to prevent the discharge or leaking of liquids that have accumulated in the vehicle's cargo area during loading and transport operations.


    A franchise holder shall monitor, maintain and repair its collection vehicles to prevent fuel, lubricants, and other liquids from leaking or spilling. Oil and hydraulic systems, and waterproof seals and enclosures, on the franchise holder's vehicles shall be kept in good repair at all times to prevent leaks and spills.


    A franchise holder shall immediately clean up any oil or hydraulic fluid that leaks or spills from the franchise holder's vehicles. The franchise holder also shall repair any damage associated with a leak or spill from its vehicles.


    The director may inspect the franchise holder's vehicles, equipment, licenses, and registrations at any reasonable time.


    The director shall have the authority to require the franchise holder to remove from service any collection vehicle or equipment that is leaking or spilling fluids, solid waste, or recyclable materials. The director also may require any collection vehicle, container, or other equipment to be cleaned, washed, painted, repaired, or maintained. The franchise holder shall: (1) comply with the director's request within one business day if the director notifies the franchise holder that immediate action is necessary to prevent a nuisance or an imminent threat to the public health, safety or welfare; (2) comply with the director's request within seven (7) calendar days in other cases; or (3) take the vehicle, container, or equipment out of service until the requested work can be completed.

(Ord. No. 07-35, § 1 (§ 16-28), 12-12-2007)